Although we are a 100-present commission brokerage that doesn’t charge any monthly fees to our agents we still offer personalized training and tools to our agents. Two of the software we offer are KV Core and DotLoop. Dotloop is our File and contract Management service and KV Core is contact management, smart CRM, Lead generation service, and much more. To learn more about what we have to offer our agents Please give me a call at +17867582018
Author: Global Luxury Realty
There really is not a lot of difference they’re both online cloud-based document management systems that can be filled in on any computer or mobile device the difference with dotloop is our brokerage has a dashboard in which there is a button called click submit for review which immediately sentences out to myself and all of our admin’s so we can respond to you very fast that is our goal with our agents is to respond to you very fast with a pleasant attitude and a helpful tone of voice
So Forms simply said he doesn’t have a way to send the document to be signed by your client but Dotloop has it integrated
thank you for choosing global luxury Realty
Whether you are an experienced realtor or just starting out dotloop is software that you will see. Global Luxury Realty has all necessary files easily found and organized for their agents for any kind of transaction and offers Dotloop to their agents free of charge while providing comprehensive training through video or live calls. Dotloop is the software we use to organize all files and documents needed for an agent to complete their deal correctly and in a timely manner. It makes it easy to share and get contracts signed by every party involved with is simple and easy-to-use platform. This is only one of the ways that GLR endures agent success while providing a way for any realtor or client to easily view and sign anything they need for a transaction. For more on what Global has to offer call at +17867582018
We offer a 100 Percent commission brokerage that has no sign-on fees, no monthly fees, and no minimums. On top of the tools we offer and the training we provide our realtors all our agents are paid on closing. The only thing the brokerage charges is a flat rate of $395 at closing, and this fee can easily be passed on to the client. If you want to get the most out of every deal and make yourself more money please call or text me at +17867582018
How is KV Core Personalised for me?
Some People think that KV Core only offers General tools for contact management, lead generations, text and email marketing, and smart CRM services. But all this, while it has been immensely useful for me, only scratches the surface of what KV Core can do for you. First, i would like to say that just because you use KV core doesn’t mean you give up your lead Privacy, any contacts that you generate are yours and yours alone ( unless you decide to share them with another agent) the company can not take your leads or interact with your client without your permission and knowledge. Along with this, you can get a company smart number. This number is what you can send out and will forward any text or call back your phone. This helps ensure your personal privacy while alos being able to reach out and contact as many people as you want. KV core does this and so much more call at me +17867582018.
Work From Anywhere.
We also sure to keep the agent’s comfort in mind. If you are one of those people that like to go to the office and work from a professional space, Global has an office in Miami for your to work at. But like me, and many other people prefer to do today, if you want to work from the comfort of your own home, or anywhere from that matter and on your own time Global encourages you to do what you enjoy. To learn how we are a good fit for you and to learn more about what Global Luxury Realty has to offer call or text me at +17867582018
Global Luxury Realty Is a southeast Florida 100 percent commission brokerage with no monthly minimums and no monthly fees that also provides tools and live 24/7 help for all of their agents.
People sometimes think that with 100 percent commission brokerage it is all up to the individual agent to learn and work for themselves. This is simply not true, not only do we give personalized training on the tools we offer our agents we have 24/7 agent support # where our agents can call in and contact a live person in Global Luxury Realty to help answer any questions they might have. Along with this, our agents can participate in team activities where they can work with other company agents on deals and share the commission between them. To find out more about what we have to offer our agents or what kind of work we can offer please call at +17867582018
One of my favorite tools that kv core offers is property boosting. Property Bostiong is where you take the property of your choice and advertise it on people’s Facebook in a location of your choice. While you can pick anywhere in the world as far as the location you want the ad to be put on people’s Facebook. KV Core automatically targets the correct demographic so that only people that actually have the ability to purchase the property or are already looking see the advertisement. This ensures that you get the best results from your boost. The best part is this guarantees new leads and can also provide live leads that are directed straight to your phone so you can talk to the person as soon as they click your ad!. To learn more about how this could help you get a sale please call or text me at +17867582018
How KV Core has saved my ass.
KV Core is software that offers a vast amount of useful tools both in general and personalized for the individual user. But these tools are not what I’m talking about now. KV Core records every incoming and outgoing phone call, email, and text message and keeps them under the associated contact for you to review if needed. I did a transaction where the other side of the closing tried to make claims that would have cut me out of the commission, this normally would have been a long drawn out and massive headache of an ordeal, but because KV core records every interaction it was easy and hassle-free to prove my involvement in the transaction and get my commission. Without have to do anything, KV core saved me $30k all by ensuring accountability and letting me present all my actions and involvements easily.
To be successful, a Licensed Professional Real Estate needs to pay careful attention to the needs and concerns of his agents and clients. Satisfying the expectations of clients necessitates paying attention to important details and anticipating potential challenges before they even present themselves. This kind of preparedness is something that many clients appreciate, but very few agents take heart to doing. But not Bill Gardner, owner of Keeps Global Luxury Realty, LLC. By making sure that he makes himself available to attend to the concerns of his agents and clients, he has kept his real estate company on top of the game.
To say that Bill is a hardworking business owner is an understatement. He spends a huge part of his day receiving calls and responding to the concerns of nearly 600 real estate agents, all of whom are committed to learning his best practices and succeeding in the industry as well.
Right from the very beginning, Bill knew he was destined to succeed in the real estate business. He envisioned himself helping his clients, especially first-time homeowners, make their dreams come true. He finished a degree in Business Communications at Ohio University. After completing his degree, he worked as a sales representative for an insurance company for a couple of years. Between 1985 to 1989, he was connected with Combined Insurance/ Capitol American Insurance and New York Life.
In 2004, Bill decided he needed a much-needed change of scenery and picked Florida, where he became a Licensed Professional Real Estate Agent. After getting his license, he started selling and listing properties in the Greater Miami Metropolitan Area. With work, determination, and a lot of patience, Bill eventually reached his success. In the first two years of his career as a professional real estate agent, he was able to close a staggering 60 real estate transactions.
His inspiring and humbling success story motivated Bill Gardner to establish his own real estate venture. He had a clear financial goal apart from his passion for helping people get their desired properties. With sheer determination, Bill was able to successfully grow his company from zero to 600 agents in just a span of years, proof that he has made Global Luxury Realty a sought-after real estate company, not just for property seekers but also for real estate agents who wish to be mentored and learn the ropes of the business.
Over the years, Bill Gardner has been nominated and accepted to the Florida Association of Realtors broker advisory board and has managed to successfully close 8,000 transactions.
Clearly, Bill is a hands-on type of person, and this may have been a key ingredient in his success. Most company owners leave all the hard work to the members of the team while they wait for the results. His staggering success is nothing short of a genuine inspiration that can encourage people to dream big and pursue it relentlessly. Just as Bill reached his success, he believes that with the right amount of mentoring, they, too, can become successful in their respective fields.