
What Is KV Core ?

KV core is a vital tool we offer our agents. It is software that is a necessity for any Realtor that is wanting to take their game to the next level and truly unlock 100% of their potential. KV core is a contact management system, smart CRM, lead generation service, Marketing Software, and so much more. It gives you the ability to mass text and email, share information such as listings and leads, and see listings and information as soon as it’s on the MLS. KV Core does all this and so much more. For me to share all the helpful tools it has to offer in one video would take hours so please if you would like to learn please call me at 786-788-8508 or fill out the form so we can chat to learn more.


Tools we Offer

Although we are a 100-present commission brokerage that doesn’t charge any monthly fees to our agents we still offer personalized training and tools to our agents. Two of the software we offer are KV Core and DotLoop. Dotloop is our File and contract Management service and  KV Core is contact management, smart CRM, Lead generation service, and much more. To learn more about what we have to offer our agents Please give me a call at +17867582018


How KV Core has saved my ass. 

KV Core is software that offers a vast amount of useful tools both in general and personalized for the individual user. But these tools are not what I’m talking about now. KV Core records every incoming and outgoing phone call, email, and text message and keeps them under the associated contact for you to review if needed. I did a transaction where the other side of the closing tried to make claims that would have cut me out of the commission, this normally would have been a long drawn out and massive headache of an ordeal,  but because KV core records every interaction it was easy and hassle-free to prove my involvement in the transaction and get my commission. Without have to do anything, KV core saved me $30k all by ensuring accountability and letting me present all my actions and involvements easily.